1 Thessalonians 1:4

"We know, dear brothers and sisters, that God loves you and has chosen you to be His own people..."

Friday, August 22, 2014

It's a boy!!

The name of our blog when we adopted Aaron in 2011, was Chosenbaby, and the name is still fitting.  We absolutely believe that these children placed in our family are chosen by God to be in our family and we in turn our chosen by God to be their family.

This is Jude Phillip Wolff. We are so thankful for this happy little boy who has brought us so much joy in the past year!


A shortened version of Jude's story:
On May 26, 2013, a baby boy was born in Albuquerque, who unbeknownst to us, God would place in our family.  When he was born a wonderful family who had adopted his siblings were contacted and after prayer and discernment they made the difficult decision to allow another family to have the opportunity to bring him into their home.  Through a series of phone calls, we ended up (God directed) two of our friends, who had no idea the other was calling us, called and both left messages for us about this little baby who needed a home. After hearing the messages, my heart stopping, we prayed, I cried, and prayed more.  Prayed for guidance and peace, knowing all too well, that these situations often do not go as we plan.  We decided to step out in faith, and say yes (if the state called) to bring him into our family to foster with hopes of adopting.  Through many steps in the next 24 long hours, we finally got the call to go and pick him up at the hospital... and think of a name on the way!  In all honesty it was absolutely love at first sight. I tried to guard my heart from possible pain, but there was no way, we were all in love. We had no clothes, no blankets, no diapers, no bottles, nothing... through an amazing community of foster families and wonderful friends within 2 days we were loaded with everything we needed.
This is in the car right after we left the hospital.

I would never ever say fostering/adopting is easy, it's not.  I will not go into details but in the first few months and parent visits here and there, it was heart wrenching.  It is always hard - the not knowing, the unknown future, court dates and delays, highs and lows, it is a roller coaster daily. Day by day, one day at a time, God showing me (still working on this) to focus on today, on Him, not my agenda.  After several months and several court dates it became clear that Jude would be able to stay with our family. We are so thankful to God for bringing our family to him, and him to our family, for so many supportive friends and family, and for God's continued faithfulness.  We pray for his bio parents, that they will know love, real, never ending love that only Christ can give.  Not only have we gained a precious, busy, adorable, little boy, we have also gained another family.  The Kane family, who made the difficult decision to let another family raise Jude, has become our family, and always will be. I cannot even express our thankfulness to you  for saying "no" so we could say "yes". Thank you. God is so faithful.
Below are pictures throughout our last 15 months, I was unable to post pictures until the adoption was final.... so just a warning, there are a LOT! I feel like we have been living a secret life away from Facebook!

Super dad!






First Birthday :) 



Real life - crazy :)
  If you feel God is calling you to foster/adopt, step out in faith, it is not easy but rewarding and these children are worth it.  Nothing worth doing is ever easy.

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